Saturday, May 30, 2020

A Kresge Summer Writing Essay Sample Can Help You With Your Essays

A Kresge Summer Writing Essay Sample Can Help You With Your EssaysA Kresge Summer Writing Essay Sample can assist you with both your scholarly expositions and your other composing ventures. On the off chance that you are beginning to do examine for your school articles, you will need to discover a Kresge Essay Sample that is anything but difficult to peruse and follow. On the off chance that you are searching for thoughts for your other composed work, a Kresge Writing Essay Sample can assist you with getting a few thoughts and direct you in a direction.If you as of now have a Kresge Summer Writing Essay Sample that you know is efficient and can assist you with your composition, you can utilize it to assist you with ensuring that you don't commit any errors. You can figure out how to utilize the blueprint appropriately to have the option to get the thoughts across plainly and proficiently. On the off chance that you don't feel that you have a decent Kresge Summer Writing Essay Sample, you can buy a total arrangement of composing guides.By gaining from an article test that is structured by an accomplished author, you can perceive what sorts of words are best utilized for specific circumstances. You will have the option to see the various approaches to structure your sentences, when to transform them, and when to stress one thought. In the event that you have involvement recorded as a hard copy papers, this is useful for you as well.One of the reasons that you will need to utilize a Kresge Summer Writing Essay Sample is on the grounds that you can see instances of the articles that others have done. In the event that you will compose your own article, you can take a gander at how others have composed theirs. You will get a ton of thoughts for your own essay.Another reason that you might need to purchase a Kresge Summer Writing Essay Sample is with the goal that you can peruse the diverse composing styles that are in it. By gaining from this, you can be certain tha t you will have the option to concoct your own style and procedures. This is useful in the event that you need to keep taking a shot at your essays.Another reason that you might need to buy a Kresge Summer Writing Essay Sample is so you can investigate the various materials that are incorporated. Since the Kresge Company has a ton of various items that they offer, they should make composing guides. These will give you thoughts for your composition and assist you with getting thoughts for your papers and other works.By purchasing a Kresge Summer Writing Essay Sample, you will have the option to utilize the materials once more. You will have the option to reuse them in your next composing venture. You will likewise have the option to utilize the pieces to assist you with getting a few thoughts for your own essays.There are numerous reasons why you might need to buy a Kresge Summer Writing Essay Sample. It tends to be extremely useful for you to survey the various papers that are acces sible for you to browse. You will need to take a gander at the different distinctive Kresge Writing Essay tests before you settle on your choice to buy one.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Tips For Writing a Scholarship Essay

<h1>Tips For Writing a Scholarship Essay</h1><p>Writing a 500 word grant article can be overwhelming for most understudies. An author's customary range of familiarity is a mile wide and an inch deep.</p><p></p><p>Fortunately, most schools offer exposition tests to help you through this procedure. These examples are normally simple to follow and a decent initial move toward turning into a distributed writer.</p><p></p><p>A grant article is commonly an any longer than your regular secondary school paper. Many offer understudies the choice of presenting their papers electronically, with the goal that they can be perused as they are being composed up. Much further developed understudies will have the option to pick between electronic or print-on-request services.</p><p></p><p>Many exposition tests are composed utilizing Microsoft Word. In case you're inexperienced with the fundamental designing of M icrosoft Word, you'll need to get acquainted with it before starting your quest for tests. Word permits you to organize your exposition utilizing strong and italics. It additionally lets you decide to design your article in tables or in bulleted lists.</p><p></p><p>Before beginning your quest for test papers, make certain to remember a great deal of data for your exposition. This will assist with making it stand apart from the several comparable papers that have just been submitted. It's additionally useful to write in a voice that best speaks to you. Make a point to painstakingly choose your composing style.</p><p></p><p>To slender down your quest for test articles, make certain to look on Google. Some grant expositions are really distributed in significant news locales, for example, These tips are useful for narrowing down your pursuit to concentrate on explicit styles of grant. You may locate some extraordinary models by essentially doing a straightforward inquiry on that topic.</p><p></p><p>A grant exposition is one of the most significant pieces of your application. On the off chance that you have any questions about whether you will have the option to keep in touch with one, recall that numerous universities expect you to submit one so as to be considered for admission.</p>

Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Best Persuasive Essay Samples

The Best Persuasive Essay SamplesTo have a successful essay, you need to learn from the best persuasive essay samples available. There are some very effective techniques that can help you do just that. In this article, we will explore what the best persuasive essay samples are and how they can benefit you in essay writing.The best persuasive essay samples are those that use a powerful story. Stories are by far the most popular technique used in the essay writing process. Every essay must start with a good story.When it comes to persuading others, stories are essential, as they are a very strong tool in the arsenal of persuasive essay samples. They are an important part of every persuasive essay. If you do not know how to use stories effectively, I suggest that you read the advice below on how to do so effectively.One of the most powerful stories you can use to convince someone of something is the 'thesis' of your essay. This is a very short paragraph that has to be delivered very eff ectively. It must be engaging and should make a strong impact on the reader.When writing an essay, using the best persuasive essay samples is an essential part of the process. However, when you find one that works for you, I suggest that you use it as much as possible. You need to focus on using the technique that works best for you.However, there are times when the essay may not seem to be making any impact. You can try using different essay writing techniques. Some of these techniques may be:However, remember that all of these simple techniques may not always work. You must test your essay so that you can determine what exactly is working and what is not.Remember that to have the best persuasive essay samples, you must first understand what these writing samples are all about. You should understand the difference between essay writing and persuasive essay writing. This will enable you to learn how to properly use the techniques.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Ideas For Topics For Technical Writing

Ideas For Topics For Technical WritingFor the topics you are going to use for your paper, there are a number of ideas for topics for technical writing. Each topic could be of a more or less detail. This will influence the amount of time you have to spend in researching it. It is also important that the topic chosen should fit the scope of the paper.There are two types of topics: White Papers and Technical Writing Papers. There are more white papers out there that the topics that they cover. White papers focus more on the technical writing and reporting abilities. There are different requirements needed for a technical writing paper. These requirements can be learned from the teaching of technical writing and other topics related to technical writing.One of the ideas for topics for white papers is developing a master plan. Here, the writer will draw out how he is going to go about the job of writing his paper. The outline will be tested by the editor and the writer in the process. The best idea for a topic for white papers is to think how you can demonstrate your knowledge in a way that will catch the readers' attention. Your outline will need to be practical and written down so that it can become part of the main body of the paper.Another idea for topics for white papers is using the details in the content that you have found. It is useful to know that if you find some background information online, it might be a good topic for a technical writing paper. It is good to consider what the audience will need to understand and it is a lot easier to be able to incorporate the details into your content than to write all of the relevant facts. If you need help with this, a good idea for topics for white papers is to have the relevant details in your body.One idea for topics for white papers is coming up with a resume for your topic. Have it properly researched, which means looking at resumes of others that have already written about the same topic that you are writing about. This is so the information that you come up with will be very good. There are also other ideas for topics for white papers, such as writing a more general technical report, research, editorial, scientific paper, etc.A final idea for topics for white papers is coming up with a topic that fits in with the specifics of a specific topic. This is especially helpful when the subject is in a class or topic that is related to technical writing. The writer can then write something new and unique about the topic and make it work for his particular subject.Ideas for topics for technical writing can include anything from the most important points that will be discussed to the most recent advancements in the industry. The writer must be able to present this information clearly and efficiently. For example, if the topic is a report about the newest advances in electronic devices, it is important that the writer write about technology that is relevant to the topic.It is also important that the writer uses the information for his or her own benefit, rather than just writing for the sake of writing. This will help the writer to be more effective. The writer should look at what has been published and if it is relevant to his or her writing. Taking this into consideration, the writer can come up with an idea for topics for technical writing and the technical writing can be more effective and specific.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Sample Placement Test Essay - A Way to Prepare for the Actual Placement Test

Sample Placement Test Essay - A Way to Prepare for the Actual Placement TestThe purpose of a sample placement test essay is to prepare you for taking an actual placement test. There are many potential benefits that can be received from completing a sample placement test. It will prepare you for the tasks and responsibilities of the placement test and will enable you to understand the questions being asked. It will also give you a better understanding of how you are able to demonstrate that you are competent at the tasks that you will be required to perform on the real placement test.Taking a placement test in a classroom setting is not always the best way to demonstrate your ability to do the tasks on the test. The test often has multiple choice questions that use a multiple-choice format that may not be suitable for students who find it difficult to complete these kinds of essays. A sample placement test essay will make the task easier to complete.Students may be expected to write e ssay answers that provide accurate and true information about the problem or topic. However, the correct answers to these types of questions are only provided by answering the question in the correct manner. Writing an essay in response to the question can require students to reword the information to meet certain criteria that are commonly associated with a possible solution to the problem or topic. This is where a sample placement test essay becomes important.There are a number of ways that a student can provide an essay answer that is effective in demonstrating that they are able to explain the situation clearly and accurately. Many students will use pre-written templates that are provided with the test, which is very helpful. However, there are also many instances where students are required to write their own essay and in some cases this can help them understand the potential pitfalls that may arise when writing the essay.An essay that is filled with creativity and imagination can be very effective in demonstrating a student's skills and abilities. However, sometimes it can be difficult to communicate this creativity through words that are written in a standardized format. A sample placement test essay will assist a student to express their ideas through innovative concepts and thought provoking statements. This helps students to demonstrate that they can use a variety of methods to express their ideas and concepts through their essay.The process of writing an essay in response to a placement test can be a challenge. While some students are challenged with writing in response to a sample test question, others find it more difficult. The passage of time can cause students to become bored with answering the same questions over again. A sample placement test essay is a great tool for helping a student to determine if they are able to write an effective essay, even if they have not ever written any other essay.Many students are surprised at how easy it is to write an essay in response to a sample question, as well as how difficult it is to write original essays on other topics. Even if students have never written anything other than a standard essay before, they can still create a powerful essay that demonstrates their skills and abilities. The most important thing to remember is that students should write their essay responses using a different style than what is typically used when writing standard essays. Students should choose a style that is uniquely theirs, but still reflect the standards and rules that are often associated with essay writing.The benefit of having a sample placement test is that it will prepare students for the general expectations that will be placed upon them. Most students are given written work to fill out during a placement test. It is important that the student is prepared, both in preparing for the questions and the test itself. A sample placement test can help students familiarize themselves with the expec tations that will be placed upon them on the test.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Writing a College Essay on How Technology Has Changed Education

<h1>Writing a College Essay on How Technology Has Changed Education</h1><p>If you need to compose a school exposition on how innovation has changed training, the main thing you have to do is investigate the manner in which you have been learning. It's essential to take note of that a large number of the things you have learned all through your school years are simply part of the long history of humanity. Prior to the coming of PCs and the web, learning was essentially cultivated through talking with individuals, going to classes and by retaining facts.</p><p></p><p>Back in the day, early learning was nearly as successful as today's. Those good old techniques can be copied, however just in the event that you exploit the advances in innovation that make remembrance and introduction a lot simpler. Luckily, you don't need to put resources into cutting edge contraptions to profit by the advantages of learning.</p><p></p><p> One of the greatest ways that innovation has changed instruction is using advanced innovation. PCs and the web are permitting understudies to learn all the more proficiently. Since PC projects and e-learning apparatuses can lead studies and courses without the utilization of an educator, they make it feasible for understudies to learn in the comfort of their own homes. Understudies who exploit these assets will have the option to keep in contact with others, and will be increasingly happy with setting off to a class when they have more adaptability than any time in recent memory before.</p><p></p><p>Another way that innovation has changed the manner in which you learn is through the improvement of online examination materials. Today, understudies have various chances to gain from home. This is particularly evident in the event that they have their own PC and a web association. Rather than returning to class to get materials, they can utilize online assets, fo r example, wikis and visit rooms to become familiar with all the basics.</p><p></p><p>For model, in an online social examination program, understudies will have the option to contemplate punctuation aptitudes, discourse and perusing. Whenthey need to discover explicit data or comprehend complex ideas, they will have the option to do as such. Subsequently, they will have the option to learn more effectively.</p><p></p><p>A school paper on how innovation has changed instruction will likewise incorporate the utilization of augmented reality. The making of this medium furnishes understudies with an encounter that is fundamentally the same as their genuine condition. They will learn through virtual labs and labs where they can interface with different understudies and work together to tackle genuine problems.</p><p></p><p>Through computer generated reality programs, understudies can adapt rapidly while remaining insi de their calendars. This is particularly significant for online understudies who may have an occupation, family commitments and different commitments outside of school. Understudies who exploit the benefits of these projects will have the option to learn at their own pace, utilizing innovation to stay up with the latest and current.</p><p></p><p>Remember that composing a school article on how innovation has changed training is entirely different than learning using apparatuses, for example, online courses or computer generated reality programs. Online understudies are substantially more acclimated with keeping in contact with others. Truth be told, with a considerable lot of them concentrating from home, they are getting more OK with this thought than any other time in recent memory before.</p>

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Critique of a Research Article - 3113 Words

Comparison of language used and patterns of communication in inter-professional and multidisciplinary teams. This assignment will look at an article by Sheehan, Robertson and Ormond (2007) who are educators with speech/language, medical radiation technology and occupational therapy professional backgrounds. The researchers are professionals from Christchurch College of Education, School of Occupational Therapy and the University of Canterbury respectively. The article was published in the Journal of Inter professional Care in New Zealand. The article was chosen because it highlights the complex interactions and communication that occur in multidisciplinary and interprofessional teams. It also reflects on experience encountered during†¦show more content†¦| |ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ grounded theory |The study adopted a case study method with the researchers being | |ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ participatory action research |involved in what is being observed. The case study method is | |ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ other |therefore suitable for realist research. Rather than a research | | |method, Whittaker (2010, p.12) saw case study as more a focus of | | |study in which a variety of research method can be used. | | | | | | | | | | |Show MoreRelatedCritique Of A Research Article1750 Words   |  7 PagesCritique of a research article This paper is a critique of Alison Fuller and Lorna Unwin’s research article ‘Knowledge Workers’ as the New Apprentices: The Influence of Organisational Autonomy, Goals and Values on the Nurturing of Expertise’ Vocations and Learning’. 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Risperidone for psychosis of Alzheimers disease and mixed dementia: results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 20(12), 1153-1157. 2. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of low dose risperidone in treating psychosis ofRead MoreEssay on Nursing Research Article Critique 990 Words   |  4 Pagesform new types of interventions in order to give adequate care across a of number of fields within the system. Research then, has been an essential part in providing definitive data, either by disproving previous beliefs or confirming newly found data and methods. Moreover, research in itself contains its own process with a methodological approach. Of the notable methods, quantitative research is often used for its systemic approach (Polit Beck, 2006). 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The simple principle has to ability to create complexities for a person both on an external and internal level. An example of this is eating disorders, in which a person manipulates the amount of nutrition they may receive, either by denying oneself or over indulging in it. Healthcare workers, in

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Case Study On Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility

Questions: 1.Which is the National Advertising Division's most important stakeholder, businesses or consumers? 2. Do you believe the BBB can be truly imparlial given its financial dependence on businesses? 3. What actions would you take to ensure an ethical misconduct disaster such as the pay-for-play scheme does not happen again? Answers: Executive Summary This report is mainly focused towards performing a critical analysis of the case of BBB with a view to evaluate the important aspects related to it. On the basis of performance of analysis of the given case, it has been assessed that BBB is mainly concerned with encouraging businesses to remain ethical in performing their practices. In relation to this, it offers ratings to businesses that act as a basis to consumers in judging their performance. However, the analysis as performed has mainly assessed the stakeholders of BBB and the performance of case analysis indicated that the most significant stakeholder is the consumers of businesses. The analysis also focused towards the impartiality of BBB in respect to its financial dependence on business, and the case analysis has indicated that it is highly difficult to BBB in remain impartial provided its financial dependence on its members. The functioning of BBB in an efficient manner can be ensured by way of its members because they prov ide necessary fees which are essential to it in running its operations. The assessment of important actions needed in ensuring that the ethical misconduct in the form of pay for play can be avoided leads to identification that there are various such actions that could be considered in ensuring that similar kinds of pay for play can be avoided in performing the business practices. Introduction This report involves a critical analysis of the case of Better Business Bureau (BBB) which has been a self regulatory trade association in US. An analysis as performed has indicates that the case is related to the activities that are carried out by BBB and the various major issues and litigations that are faced by it. A critical analysis of the case implies that an important chapter of BBB is the National Advertising Division (NAD) that is mainly focused towards evaluating the advertisements of other companies, and creates awareness within consumers with regard to any fraudulent practices within such advertisements of companies. BBB is mainly concerned with creating awareness within consumers of businesses regarding the ethical and unethical practices as performed by them so that they can remain safe from engaging into any kinds of fraudulent practices. This has been ensured by BBB through a complete check-up of the business practices in relation to their compliance with ethics and s ocial responsibilities and based on the assessment, necessary ratings are provided to them according to their performance. These ratings allow consumers in making objective decisions with respect to organisations performance (Jennings, 2003). This report is aimed at assessing the case of BBB by paying specific attention to certain major areas including an assessment of the National Advertising Divisions most important stakeholder. In addition to this, the analysis also assesses whether BBB can be truly impartial provided its financial dependence on businesses, and finally, an assessment would be carried out with respect to the actions that are essential in ensuring that the fraudulent practices in the form of pay for play scheme does not happen again. Based on the findings from the entire analysis, they will be concluded in the conclusion section of this report. Most Important Stakeholder of National Advertising Division (NAD) Stakeholders of an organisation are mainly those interested parties that are directly influenced by the actions undertaken by management within it. They are directly affected by the performance of the organisation and as such, they are highly crucial to them as well. In respect to the given case analysis, it has been assessed that NAD has been an important part of BBB which has been created for the purpose of monitoring the performance of advertisements as carried out by businesses. This particular NAD system as established also has certain major stakeholders for which it mainly exist. A critical assessment of the case indicated that the most significant stakeholder of NAD is mainly the consumers. This is mainly identified from the core purpose of NAD which has been to provide the consumers of businesses with sufficient details about the ways in which their business performs. The ethical and unethical practices especially in respect to their advertising initiatives are disclosed by N AD as a part of its responsibility which allows consumers in taking most efficient decisions regarding that particular business (Flynn, 2008). An analysis of the case of NAD indicates that the most significant beneficial from the services of the company is mainly its consumers. The consumers are benefitted from getting the reports over BBBs website with respect to the performance of their companies as to whether they are practising in an ethical manner. As the NAD division of BBB is completely working in a manner aimed at satisfying the consumers of businesses from the fraudulent practices as undertaken by them, the most important stakeholder can be regarded as the consumers. Businesses perform the advertising practices with a view to attract customers, and they often mislead information with a view to attract more and more consumers to buy their requirements for them. However, such misleading information as provided by such organisations to their consumers are regarded as unethical from the point of view of BBB and they should therefore be avoided completely. This NAD division of BBB assesses the advertising activities of businesses which allow it in making efficient decisions in educating consumers (Jindal-Snape and Hannah, 2014). Consumers are required to make efficient decisions with respect to their spending and they are greatly hurt when they are engaged in fraudulent practices of businesses. It is therefore essential that there should be appropriate measures aimed at protecting the interest of consumers and preventing them from engaging in fraudulent deceptions by businesses. NAD division of BBB is primarily engaged in such processes whereby it facilitates adequate level of information to consumers and thereby empowers them with the opportunity to make most relevant decisions that are free from fraudulent practices. Since the entire working of NAD is primarily towards ensuring the protection of consumers from the advertising practices of businesses, it can be said that the most important stakeholder of the company is therefore the consumers that consumes products and services as offered by businesses. However, an analysis of the need for advertising regulation on the part of businesses implies that it is highly essential that they should be regulated so that customers can be benefitted to the maximum extent possible. Advertising practices offer significant level of opportunities to businesses in entering into fraudulent practices in the form of consumer deception whereby the messages regarding the products and services of the businesses are presented in a manner aimed at deceiving consumers. Businesses often make significant level of claims regarding their products and services which are not always accurate and true. Such messages are aimed at deceiving consumers with a view to encourage them to make more and more of buying of the products and services as offered by businesses. As for example, businesses often makes claim that their products and services are superior as compared to their competitors, and these claims are made on unreasonable grounds. They are aimed at attracting c ustomers but at the same time, they are also regarded as highly unethical. Hence, NAD is primarily engaged in performing the management of advertisements by identifying any kinds of deception within it with a view to educate consumers (Giersson and Holmgren, 2000). As the analysis above indicates that the most significant stakeholder of NAD is consumers, but at the same time, the case analysis also indicated that businesses also plays an important role in respect to the services provision of NAD. This is mainly because the advertisements of businesses are mainly examined by NAD with a view to assess the involvement of ethics or unethical values in it. As a result, businesses also form a critical part of the services as offered by NAD. The case analysis also indicated that businesses are provided ratings based on their performance over ethical values and social responsibilities in respect to their advertising related practices. This rating by BBB is solely based on their performance conditions, and the businesses that adapt unfair means in influencing the consumers buying decisions are generally provided with lower grades by NAD. However, the case analysis indicates that NAD also provides sufficient opportunity to businesses in rectifying the er rors within their advertising campaigns so that they can categorise them as BBB accredited. The analysis above indicates that the main stakeholder of NAD is mainly the consumers of businesses because the services of NAD are primarily influenced by affecting the consumers interest towards the products and services of particular organisation. Their services are aimed at creating awareness within consumers regarding the advertisement effectiveness of businesses so that they can make better decisions. The analysis also indicated that businesses also account for playing a significant role in terms of the stakeholder of NAD because they are being rated based on their performance which affects their overall performance and brand image in front of their consumers (Trevio and Weaver, 2003). Impartiality of BBB Provided its Financial Dependence on Businesses An analysis of the case study indicated about the way in which BBB performs its operations. The company is primarily engaged in safeguarding the interest of its consumers by way of providing rating to businesses depending on their ethical and social performance. BBB encourages businesses to act in a socially responsible manner and also in acting ethically with respect to their practices. Businesses that are highly ethical and responsible with respect to their actions and initiatives are usually provided ratings by BBB and they can show the ratings on their website so that it makes it easy to them in convincing their customers. However, in providing such services whereby BBB rates businesses on the basis of their performance, it is essential that there should be certain sources of revenue generation to it. Businesses can survive by having adequate revenue from their operations (Trevio and Weaver, 2003). An analysis of the case of BBB indicates that the only way in which revenue is generated by the company is mainly through its membership feature whereby businesses seeking to get the ratings of BBB are required to become its member first. This signifies that BBB is also financially dependent on the businesses because the membership by businesses is the only source of revenue generation to the company. As this has been the only way in which survival of BBB is being ensured, the question of impartiality of BBB with respect to the rating services as provided by it is significant. The financial dependence of BBB on businesses led to my belief that BBB cannot be impartial in providing ratings to its customers i.e. the businesses. This is mainly because businesses that would subscribe the membership of BBB are likely to contribute positively in terms of certain fee to it. The fees as provided would cover up the costs that have to be incurred in reviewing the business practices in providing ratings to them (Bhatia, 2002). Businesses that would positively accept the membership of BBB are likely to get favourable treatment in terms of their ratings and this has been evident from the cases of companies in the past whereby members of BBB are claimed to get favourable ratings as compared to the non-members or non-subscriber to its services. As for example, the analysis of the case study indicates about the Ritz Carlton case and also with respect to some of the Pucks restaurant whereby it has been evaluated that BBB awarded higher grades especially to businesses that are accredited to it. Further, another similar example has been indicated in the case whereby it has been asserted that the members of BBB have asked businesses to become members of BBB in order to get higher grades. All these practices of BBB branches to encourage businesses in becoming its member clearly give an indication of the fact that impartiality in respect to the ratings as provided by it exists. Without revenue generation sources, it is highly difficult for an organisation to survive and this has also been evident in respect to BBB. The case analysis leads to identification that there are various important areas whereby impartiality has been noted especially in respect to the services as offered by BBB. The partiality has been noted especially in respect to the ratings as provided by BBB to businesses. Some of them have been lower rating despite there has been lower consumer complaints and faster resolution of few such complaints. However, other businesses have received higher ratings from BBB and this is particularly because of their membership with it. This signifies the direct level of impact of membership over the performance of BBB in terms of its ratings to other businesses. As a result, it can be concluded that BBB cannot be truly impartial based on its financial dependence on the membership as subscribed by businesses (Trevio and Weaver, 2003). Ethical Actions for Ensuring that Pay for Play Does not Happen Again This section of analysis is aimed at assessing the ethical actions that would be needed in ensuring that the ethical misconduct in the form of pay for play does not happen again. However, in order to analyse such ethical misconduct to happen never in the future, it is essential to understand such concept initially and this is followed by an identification of the ways in which it can be managed in a proper manner. An analysis of the case of BBB indicates that this ethical misconduct in the form of pay for play has been taken place and it mainly indicates a type of fraudulent practice whereby the organisation and individual pay for favourable treatment at the expense of other parties. This implies that favourable decisions are undertaken in respect to an organisation that is highly favourable and the others are not considered important. This has been a fraudulent practice from the point of view of treating organisations, and it indicates a partial treatment offered to an organisation. As in respect to the given case of BBB, there has been claim being made over the ratings provided by BBB whereby it has been claimed that the ratings are partially affected by the membership criterion. The members of BBB have received the favourable rating of A+ whereas others have struggled to make significant ratings. This indicates the existence of pay for play scheme in respect to BBB. However, this fraudulent practice has been carried out at BBB, it has adversely affected the brand image of the organisation. This type of fraudulent practice should be avoided so that they cannot affect the brand image of the organisation. In ensuring so, there are a range of ethical practices that are required to be undertaken. The major actions needed in order to ensure that similar kinds of misconduct do not happen again are briefly indicated as follows: 1. First of all, the branches that have been identified as performing this pay for play scheme should be stopped from performing again, and they should be closed down. This would act as a basis to other branches of the same organisation in not following the similar kinds of practices (Lavery, 2007). 2. Secondly, the action needed is mainly to eliminate the driving factor that becomes the primary reason driving BBB in considering pay for payment scheme. In the given case, membership fee is the main driving factor and it requires changes to the rating systems. As for instance, there should be ratings provided only to the members and the non-members should not be considered at all. This would reduce the chances of partial ratings on the part of company, and all the businesses would be rated without any kinds of discrimination (Badiou, 2002). 3. In addition to the above actions, the accreditation process should be reviewed by third parties so that there would be complete elimination of the fraudulent practices in the process can be ensured. The chances of applying pay for play scheme would reduce considerably from the consideration of third parties in the process of reviewing the accreditation process. 4. There is also a need to streamline the process with respect to receiving complaints so that there can be objective evaluation of the organisations processes in providing rating to them. This is also a crucial process that can be considered in ensuring that the pay for play scheme is restricted from occurrence. These are some of the major actions that are essential to be considered in ensuring that such kind of ethical misconduct is prohibited from occurrence and most objective decisions can be possible with respect to providing ratings to organisations on the basis of their performance. Conclusion In this report, a critical assessment has been carried out especially in respect to the case of BBB and the performance of case analysis has indicated significant level of findings in respect to the different important areas. The analysis initially focused towards assessing the important stakeholders of NAD and the performance of case analysis has indicated significant level of findings. It has been evaluated that the most critical stakeholder of NAD is mainly the consumers of businesses because the main purpose of NAD has been to protect the interest of consumers by way of providing them complete information with regard to ethical and unethical practices as practiced by them while performing advertising activities. Although the major stakeholder has been identified as consumers, yet an analysis indicates that businesses are also an important stakeholder of NAD, as the review of activities and ratings to them are provided based on their performance. Apart from this, it has also been evaluated that BBB cannot act in an impartial manner given its financial dependence on businesses. This is mainly because the fee from the membership businesses is crucial determining factor from the point of view of performing its operations. Finally, an assessment has been carried out with respect to the actions needed in ensuring that the pay for play scheme can be avoided and the performance of analysis indicated that there are various such actions that are required to be considered in ensuring that ethical misconduct can be prohibited from occurrence. References Badiou, A. (2002), Ethics: An Essay on the Understanding of Evil, Page 2, Verso. Bhatia, S.K. (2002), Business Ethics and Managerial Values: Concepts, Issues and Dilemmas in Shaping Ethical Culture for Competitive Advantage of Organisations, Deep and Deep Publications. Flynn, G. (2008), Leadership and Business Ethics, Springer Science Business Media. Giersson, H. and Holmgren, M. 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